The 26th of August is coming to an end but we have yet to close on our house deal. In order to satisfy the FHA committee of Military Family Home Loans we had to trade-in our beloved Mini Cooper Clubman, Hobie. Which we did two weeks ago. It was a sad day and brash transaction, we had hoped that the sacrifice would grease the house deal into place. More red-tape and processing time has us waiting, however. Nissan had to "process" our car purchase ( a sleek, inconspicuous, graphite 2010 Hyundai Accent) before sending their payoff check to BMW Bank. With handshakes and promises to babysit our deal and "rush it through" the Nissan sales crew sent us on our way, only to come to us today with the news that the check was in the mail. If we are lucky and USPS is on their "A" game then BMW Bank will receive the check Monday. They need two days to "process" the payment from receipt. Our prayers are going up that the payoff will arrive by Monday and will show by Wednesday so we can have our final walk through Thursday and get the keys to our new place on Friday. Whew!

Hobie and Adam on top of a log at the Redwood Nat'l Park
I have been perusing the Craigslist ads and scored gallons of free paint and polyurethane from paint stores going out of business or moving locations. We have packed up our literary and media libraries, the living room in our 2 bedroom apartment is growing increasingly more "cozy". But for now TGIF! Who cares! The next two days will be enjoyed for what they are the mother effin' weekend! Hell yeah! and hallelujah!